Issues 161-180

#161: Where There’s A Will There’s A Tax [Rehochipe; ed:Sirocco]

The Issue
After the vast fortunes of a recently deceased oil tycoon in @@NAME@@ were left to a small cactus plant, citizens nationwide have been asking the same question: should the inheritance tax laws be changed?

The Debate
1. “Every time I see a stupid rich kid having an easy ride of life with money they did nothing to deserve, I go into a jealous rage and start punching walls,” says economically disadvantaged individual @@RANDOMNAME@@. “Abolish inheritance entirely! If the government takes the inheritance then we can spend all that cash on things that make ordinary people’s lives better, like education, social welfare, and attack helicopters.”
The Result: the government seizes the property of the recently deceased.
Political Freedoms -4
Taxes +2

2. “This is a disgusting breach of my human rights,” says @@RANDOMNAME@@, heir to an international widget empire. “Just think of all the poor families who have spent their lives scrimping and saving with the dream of passing on a modest luxury yacht to ensure the security of their children’s children. All that sacrifice, all that toil, all those long nights working their fingers to the bone setting up offshore accounts – it brings a tear to my eye. Inheritance tax has got to go!”
The Result: inheritance tax has recently been abolished.
Political Freedoms +2
Taxes -2

3. “Surely we can arrange some sort of compromise here,” says comfortable knitwear fan @@RANDOMNAME@@. “Yes, it’s true that some people exploit the system – but a lot of people rely on inheritance for their basic support! Why don’t we just set a sensible ceiling on how much you can inherit? That way you get to keep the family farm, but not the five mansions and the oil refinery.”
The Result: the government is notorious for leaving citizens with almost nothing from their inheritance.
Political Freedoms -6
Taxes +1

#162: Animal Experimentation Laws Under Scrutiny [Voroziniya; ed:Sirocco]

The Issue
Scientists and animal rights activists have once again brought up the debate over animal experimentation to your attention.

The Debate
1. “What have those poor, defenceless animals ever done to us?” asks @@RANDOMNAME@@, owner of the East @@NAME@@ @@ANIMAL@@ Sanctuary. “Kidnapping these helpless creatures from their habitat simply to stick probes and needles in them is just barbaric! How would you like it if someone caged you in a lab and conducted tests on you just to find out whether a new product was fit for sale? Experimenting on animals ought to be banned!”
The Result: dog breeding has been banned in accordance with recent animal experimentation laws.
Economy -6

2. “It is not unethical,” replies Dr. @@RANDOMNAME@@, the chief surgeon at @@NAME@@’s largest Cancer Research Clinic. “The unethical thing to do would be to deny the public of the benefit of the great scientific advancements we’re making! If we have to sacrifice some animals in the name of science, healthcare, or a commercial venture, then that’s just what we’ve got to do! Think of the lives we could save! All we require is more government support and funding for this worthy cause.”
The Result: several citizens have complained about scientists abducting their pets for experimentation.
Economy +5

#163: Referenda: Are they Right For @@NAME@@? [Ideal State; ed:Melkor Unchained]

The Issue
After the Parliament of @@NAME@@ recently passed a controversial law that polls have shown to be very unpopular with the public, a group of concerned citizens has called for mandatory referenda for all laws passed before the state.

The Debate
1. “We want real democracy, and we want it now!” proclaims @@RANDOMNAME@@, spokesperson for special interest group ‘Direct Democracy Now!’ “The fact that this latest law went through has proven that voting for a Parliament every four years is obviously not enough. Laws must be passed by the masses – that is the only way we can be sure that the will of the people is truly being enforced! We must have mandatory referenda for ALL new laws.”
The Result: a referendum must be held in order for any new law to be passed.
Political Freedoms -3
Taxes +2

2. “Don’t listen to these demagogues!” implores one of your top advisors, @@RANDOMNAME@@. “This is a ridiculous and dangerous idea! Referenda are costly and inefficient, and a direct threat to the fine institution that is our Parliament. What do you think we have the Parliament for anyway? Our citizenry nowadays don’t know what’s good for them. They’re too busy milling around at the mall and buying sneakers WITH LIGHTS IN THEM. More control needs to be given to our qualified, intelligent–and most of all INFORMED–politicians.”
The Result: referenda are banned by law and the Parliament has absolute control of the legislative process.
Political Freedoms -3
Taxes +5

3. “Referenda are a good idea in principle, but to make them mandatory for each and every law is simply impractical,” states Political Scientist @@RANDOMNAME@@. “Representative democracy exists because direct democracy would never work in practice in a large society such as @@NAME@@. Just think of all the bureaucracy and expense that would go into it! I suggest that referenda be allowed, but only if at least a third of voters sign a petition requesting one. That should be a nice balance between democracy and practicality.”
The Result: referenda can be called for any law at the request of at least one third of the voting population.
Corruption +1

#164: Licence To Breed? [Kazcaper; ed:Sirocco]

The Issue
Increasing reports of child abuse and neglect in @@NAME@@ has prompted local pressure groups to call for ‘parental licences’.

The Debate
1. “You need a licence to keep @@ANIMAL@@s or drive a car,” points out local current affairs commentator, @@RANDOMNAME@@. “So why should just any random idiot get to be a mother or father? It just doesn’t make sense! If all potential parents had to pass tests to prove they’re responsible enough, I’m sure you’d find that it would help decrease the level of child abuse, and increase proper discipline in the home.”
The Result: citizens wishing to be parents must undertake a series of gruelling tests to evaluate their capabilities.
Civil Rights -1
Taxes +3

2. “This is madness!” screams @@RANDOMNAME@@. “You can’t deny perfectly good people the right to bring life into this world! @@ANIMAL@@s manage it easily enough, and you can’t tell me they’ve got more responsibility than your average upstanding citizen of @@NAME@@! The government should keep out of such matters – I’ve always said social workers and welfare was a drain on the budget. Yes, there will be some sad cases of neglect, but shouldn’t we be giving parents the benefit of the doubt?”
The Result: almost half of the child population live rough on the streets.
Civil Rights +2

3. “The answer to this problem is patently obvious,” says @@RANDOMNAME@@, your minister of Social Welfare. “The government simply needs to give more funding to the welfare department so that we can recruit more social workers to carry out regular checks on parents and judge whether or not they’re doing a good job of looking after their children. It’ll be expensive, but at least it’s a damn sight fairer than licensing parents.”
The Result: welfare funding has recently gone through the roof.
Taxes +1

#166: Vote For ‘None of the Above’? [Kamikachidonia; ed:Reploid Productions]

The Issue
A loose coalition of political activists running the gamut of the political spectrum has started a petition to add ‘None of the Above’ as an option on every ballot, so that a voter can reject all candidates if he feels none of them represent a viable option. If ‘None of the Above’ wins the election, a new election with all-new candidates would have to be held.

The Debate
1. “It’s a simple matter really,” says left-wing activist and former rock star @@RANDOMNAME@@. “Sometimes when you’re voting, all the options suck. Why then should people be forced to hold their nose and vote for the lesser of two, or even three or four evils? Adding ‘None of the Above’ to the ballot would ensure that the people have a choice at all times, even if that choice is to reject the choices they have been given!”
The Result: elections have become procedural nightmares due to voters persistently rejecting candidates.
Political Freedoms +9
Taxes +1

2. “Adding ‘None of the Above’ to the ballot makes absolutely no sense,” contributes conservative political pundit @@RANDOMNAME@@. “Those who want to run for office have already put their names on the ballot, and if none of those options suits the voter, that’s just too bad. Instead, we ought to prevent this sort of problem and limit the number of options. Sure, fewer people can run, but that will eliminate costly runoff elections completely!”
The Result: voters must frequently select what they view as the lesser of two evils on the ballot.
Political Freedoms -3

#167: Fluoride Controversy A Toothy Problem [Enlightened Harmony; ed:Sirocco]

The Issue
Recent reports revealing that the dental health of @@NAME@@ is far below the regional average have ignited a fierce debate over whether to introduce fluoride to the nation’s tap water reserves.

The Debate
1. “Fluoride has been shown time and time again to promote dental health,” argues Dr. Edwin Namel, Chairman of ‘Friends of The Teeth’. “It’s not an experimental drug for heaven’s sake, it’s an accepted method of promoting national good health. A nationwide program for the fluoridation of drinking water should not be seen as optional – it’s a no-brainer for any sensible government. We need to implement this now, whether the public want it or not.”
The Result: the people are famous throughout the region for their bleached-white teeth.
Civil Rights -1
Taxes +1

2. “I am strongly against this proposal!” rages @@RANDOMNAME@@, one of the more vociferous members of the @@NAME@@ Green Society. “When I turn on the water tap I expect to get just that. Water. Nothing else. We are not lab rats and it is not the government’s place to force us into taking these chemicals! In fact I reckon we should put the brakes on all these new chemicals doctors keep pumping into people and give us the right to say no!”
The Result: the public health bureaucracy is wrapped in miles of red tape.
Civil Rights +1

3. “There’s no need to go to either extreme,” says @@RANDOMNAME@@, your personal dentist. “It’s all about, um, choice. Here’s a nice alternative: why not just have clean non-fluorinated drinking water and give more funds to dentists? If we had enough money, we could make all dental care absolutely free! It will be demanding on the taxpayers I know, but they’ll surely be happy when they all have sparkling white teeth!”
The Result: most of the nation’s wealthy aristocrats are dentists
Public Healthcare +4

#168: @@NAME@@ Plagued By STD Epidemic! [Eta Carinae; ed:Reploid Productions]

The Issue
A medical report has detailed a twenty-fold increase in infection rates over the past ten years of the sexually transmitted disease VODAIS (Viral Overactive Dysfunction of the Auto-Immune System). People all over the nation are petitioning that the government do something about the epidemic.

The Debate
1. “This situation is about to explode. At this rate, this epidemic could severely impact our economy, our way of life, and even our government,” says Doctor @@RANDOMNAME@@. “We must supply powerful drugs to all infected people, even if we have to produce and distribute it ourselves. We must also educate people on the dangers of VODAIS and supply condoms to all sexually active males. Sure, we’ll need to divert tax money from the military to fund all this, but what good is a military if the soldiers are too sick to fight?”
The Result: the government has undertaken a massive education and health program to combat VODAIS.

2. “If you supply condoms, you’ll increase sexual promiscuity,” scoffs religious leader @@RANDOMNAME@@. “If you supply drugs, you’ll risk creating an aura of invincibility which in turn increases sexual promiscuity. Sexual abstinence is 100% effective in preventing VODAIS infection. This knowledge must be taught at all schools and workplaces, and all other choices must be ridiculed. Make celibacy the only option!”
The Result: people have to sneak out of the country in order to have sex.
Civil Rights -2
Happiness -2
Averageness +18

3. “Supplying drugs and condoms will not stop VODAIS infections and forcing everyone to be celibate will be the slow death of @@NAME@@,” whispers Health Minister @@RANDOMNAME@@ in a poorly-lit back room. “Segregating the infected people is the most effective method. Everybody in @@NAME@@ must be tested for VODAIS. Then all the VODAIS positive people will be shipped to seperate gated communities away from the rest of us. If they need to mingle with uninfected people, then they must wear distinguishing badges that feature a Grim Reaper holding a skeletal @@ANIMAL@@.”
The Result: otherwise healthy people are being sent to internment camps because they have VODAIS.
Civil Rights -5
Taxes -2


#169: @@ANIMAL@@ Hunting Laws Under Dispute [Vigorithia; ed:Sirocco]

The Issue
The fierce debate on @@ANIMAL@@ hunting in @@NAME@@ has been brought to your attention after vociferous supporters of both sides of the argument stormed your parliament.

The Debate
1. “@@ANIMAL@@ hunting is a cruel and horrible ‘sport’ for the wealthy,” says @@RANDOMNAME@@ of the ‘Protect Anything Cute and Furry Society’. “How can you possibly justify it? Oh, they witter on about ‘tradition’ and ‘pest control’ and other such nonsense, but really we all know it’s because these sadists love to torture poor, innocent animals! Hunting must be banned!”
The Results: the upper class have been throwing riots after hunting was recently banned.
Civil Rights -6

2. “Banning @@ANIMAL@@ hunting would be the end for centuries of tradition!” wails esteemed aristocrat @@RANDOMNAME@@ from atop his steed. “The thrill of the chase, the baying of the hounds, the @@ANIMAL@@ scooting through the undergrowth – it would be a travesty! We provide much needed stimulus to the local tourism, and you can’t deny that @@ANIMAL@@s are pests – killing farmers’ livestock for example! I propose that @@ANIMAL@@ hunting be encouraged, for the cultural – and economic – benefit of the nation!”
The Results: the nation is famous for having one of the world’s largest ANIMAL hunting institutions.

3. “Well, you know what I think?” asks @@RANDOMNAME@@, while helping to assemble a small trebuchet. “I reckon that the real issue about this sport is the cruelty aspect, and no-one can deny that sending a pack of dogs to tear apart a poor, innocent @@ANIMAL@@ is cruel. I reckon we should just ban hunting with hounds and only allow kinder and more instantly lethal methods like guns, tranquillisers, and cruise missiles.”
The Results: main battle tanks stalk the woods of NATION in search of ANIMALS.

4. “I’m firmly against the slaughter of dumb animals,” says @@RANDOMNAME@@, while feeding an infant @@ANIMAL@@ with a milk bottle. “It would be best if the animals didn’t die, and hunters could still do what they love to do – how about instead of shooting them or sending vicious canines after them, the hunter runs up to his quarry and gives it a symbolic ‘tap’ with his hand? Now isn’t that much nicer for everyone?”
The Results: hunters have been known to lose limbs while attempting to ‘play tag’ with their prey.

#171: Kids And Criminality: Whose Responsibility? [East Stalinia; ed:Sirocco]

The Issue
Recent studies showing that the sources of @@NAME@@’s most common street crimes (vandalism, muggings, joyriding, and witchcraft) are children under the age of criminal responsibility has prompted a national outcry for government action.

The Debate
1. “These damned hooligans are running wild on our streets!” splutters hard-nosed Sergeant @@RANDOMNAME@@ of the police force. “My overworked officers can’t cope anymore! Everywhere we look we’re being surrounded by mobs of unruly children! I need you to give me and my officers the power to dish out punishment to these little hoodlums. I don’t care how young these kids are – they need to learn to behave properly as soon as possible. Even if it requires a short jail sentence of ten years or so.”
The Results: eight year-olds with lemonade stands have been known to be locked up on charges of embezzlement.
Civil Rights -6
Taxes +1
2. “The last thing we need is a police force that prosecutes, convicts, AND sentences young kids!” yells outraged Child Welfare Officer @@RANDOMNAME@@. “These youngsters are merely children being playful! Let them learn from their own mistakes! You can’t tell me you weren’t ever naughty when you were that young! Experience is the tree from which learning is a fruit, remember, and besides: the taxes needed to round them all up would be murder.”
The Results: the nation’s youth is held blameless for all crimes.
Civil Rights +8

3. “Hah! Yeh’re lookin’ at this the wrong way!” says @@RANDOMNAME@@, an elderly pensioner, hobbling up to you and poking you in the chest with a walking stick. “When I was wee, and if I was caught breakin’ the law, me dad would’ve beaten seven types of bahoola out of me! If a kid’s gone maladjusted and started nickin’ cars and whatnot, look at the parents and punish them for not bringin’ the tiny scions up right! Yeh can’t blame a kid for the environment they were raised in an’ that’s that!”
The Results: parents are held criminally responsible for their children’s crimes.


#174: Maternity Leave A Must, Say Mothers [Vashaan; ed:Sirocco]

The Issue
A coalition of expectant mothers (Mothers 4 Justice) has banded together to demand legislation allowing for six months of fully paid maternity leave.

The Debate
1. “Six months?! Six WHOLE months?!” blusters @@RANDOMNAME@@, a payroll manager. “Six whole months of being fully paid by our company for doing nothing but looking after a baby?! This will sink the small businesses and lose us an obscene amount of revenue! We cannot allow this to pass!”
The Result: the nanny industry has had a boom after maternity leave was recently banned.
Economy +3
Taxes -3

2. “I believe that passing this law will be a step in the right direction,” says @@RANDOMNAME@@, the nation’s most outspoken feminist advocate. “These kids need their mothers’ love and attention during an important part of their growth development! I don’t see why mums should be forced to juggle with the stress of bringing up children and having a job! It’s simply too much! Six months maternity leave with full pay is what this country needs – even if it is at the expense of a few avaricious fat cats.”
The Result: all mothers are allowed six months fully-paid maternity leave.
Civil Rights +2

3. “Look, I’ve got an idea,” says @@RANDOMNAME@@, an obsessive centrist. “Perhaps we can allow for six months of paid maternity leave, but have the government pay the companies for lost revenue? That way the mothers can bring up their children without financial worries, companies won’t lose investors, and everyone will be happy. Apart from the taxpayers, of course, but you can’t please everyone.”
The Result: untold millions of forintas are going into a new government-funded maternity leave scheme.
Taxes +1

#175: Is @@NAME@@ Too Promiscuous? [Masalium; ed:Sirocco]

The Issue
The highly moral and religious pressure group ‘Cuckolds And Cuckqueans Anonymous’ has lobbied for the criminalisation of adultery.

The Debate
1. “Whatever happened to the sanctity of marriage?” asks @@RANDOMNAME@@ while wearing a T-shirt bearing the slogan ‘Marriage is for life, not just for anniversaries’. “Whatever happened to lifelong companionship? Whatever happened to simple faithfulness because of love?! Adultery seems to be more of a hobby than anything these days! The government must impose the utmost punishments on those who commit this sin. A good old-fashioned stoning should sort it!”
The Result: adultery has been made a capital offence.
Civil Rights -4
Taxes +1

2. “I don’t agree with adultery either,” says @@RANDOMNAME@@, a passer-by. “But, uh… stoning? You don’t think that’s a little extreme? If we find someone guilty of fornication we can just lock them up in jail. That way no-one gets killed and the sinners get justice. It’s more expensive to the tax payers than a stoning of course, but I reckon it’s worth it.”
The Result: those found guilty of illicit affairs are jailed.
Civil Rights -1
Taxes +1

3. “With the greatest of respect, this is none of your business!” yells @@RANDOMNAME@@ who is rumoured to have had more than a thousand lovers and even more children. “The government has no right to go about trying to dictate the laws of love and romance! Marriages break down, people move on – is it really the government’s place to make people stay put? You must recognise the fact that the law has no place within the bedroom!”
The Result: NATION is notorious for its citizens’ infidelity.
Civil Rights +3
Taxes -2

#178: Free Press Too Free? [Ice Hockey Players; ed:Sirocco]

The Issue
Citizens, politicians, and businessmen have been campaigning for the government to keep a tighter rein on the media after several well-respected newspapers printed false articles with contents ranging from claims that the capital city had been stolen by a UFO to erroneous share prices which led to job-losses and a stock market decline.

The Debate
1. “Over a thousand jobs lost!” clamours @@RANDOMNAME@@, angry protester and ex-employee of Dreddmax Incorporated. “And why? Because the press isn’t concerned about the truth anymore; all it wants is higher sales! We must forbid these rags from lying to the people and dish out heavy fines to those who try! This so-called ‘free press’ has a dark side, you know. We learnt that ever since we discovered it wasn’t cottage cheese they were mining up north!”
The Result: reporters often lose their jobs over fact-checking errors.
Civil Rights -4
Political Freedoms -3

2. “This is censorship!” says @@RANDOMNAME@@, editor-in-chief of The Hebdomadal Gabfest while carefully noting everything you say in a notepad. “We speak for the people! Admittedly some newspapers didn’t check all of their facts before they published, but that doesn’t merit such draconian measures at all! If we’re only allowed to print the absolute truth then how soon before we’re getting constantly sued by politicians for libel? What about our rumour columns? It’ll totally destroy the business! The government must have no part in repression of the media!”
The Result: truth is often impossible to tell from fiction on the evening news.
Civil Rights +6
Political Freedoms +16

3. “You know that no matter what we decide we’re going to make people mad,” points out @@RANDOMNAME@@, your Minister of Public Relations. “But the best way to control public opinion is to tell the public what their opinions are. I suggest nationalising all the newspapers and putting them under government control. Then we can tell them whatever we like! After all, we’re much more trustworthy than some profit-driven media moguls, right? At least we won’t have to issue ANOTHER public statement to tell everyone you’re not a hyper-intelligent aubergine.”
The Result: all news sources are under strict government control.
Civil Rights -10
Political Freedoms -32
Taxes +2

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